Paul Sargaison
L & J Events presents :

Orpheus Island 2014 with Les Walkling and Tony Hewitt

Photography - Photoshop - Printing - Camaraderie - bring your Camera - bring your Computer - bring your favourite wine. This is the Tenth year Les has presented this workshop which he rates as the best workshop he delivers in Australia. This year his co-presenter is Grand Master Photographer Tony Hewitt. The workshop is a full seven day all-inclusive unique experience. The location is the James Cook University Orpheus Island Research Station (OIRS) which is a world class research and teaching facility.

The surrounding tropical islands provide for amazing photographic opportunities above and below the water. All levels of photography and photographic interests are catered for. Facilities include state-of-the-art printing and fully colour managed professional workflows. You will be on a tropical island fringed by coral reefs, giant clams and tropical fish, where you can photograph, snorkel, bush-walk, and beach comb. There is also a stunning half day boat trip to nearby Yank Jetty and Fantome Island. You will gain exceptional knowledge in Photoshop and Lightroom, colour management, fine art printing, and be inspired to create masterpieces for yourself and your clients. Our internationally renowned chefs will create marvellous banquets for us and each evening we dine under the stars by the beach. Our sponsors also attend the workshop and supply state of the art cameras, printers, knowledge and materials for all your creative photographic needs. The facility is limited to 40 guests. The workshop is very popular and will book out again this year.

    Orpheus Island Workshop Online Registration Form : 11th - 17th August 2014
Orpheus Workshop has been accredited by the Nikon AIPP CPD Program and will earn 50 points

  Saturday, 21 December 2024, 05:54 pm - Australian Eastern Standard Time. * Required field
* Name :     : Surname *
Studio : 
Extra People : 
Address : 
Suburb : 
City / Town :           : Postcode
* Phone :           : Cell Phone *
* Email : 
* Anti Spam :   : Domestic pet, 3 letters lower case, says woof
Contact :   Email Les Walkling    Email John DeRooy     Download Orpheus 2014 PDF Brochure
Proudly Sponsored by:C R Kennedy Ilford galerieMomento Pro
Tony Hewitt
  No Dates Investment Cost
AIPP/ACMP Members      Mon 11th - Sun 17th August 2014 $2340 per person
Non-Members    Mon 11th - Sun 17th August 2014 $2790 per person
AIPP/JCU Students    Mon 11th - Sun 17th August 2014 $1990 per student
Part Payments Nominate amount and list details below :   $  
for Part Payments only      Level of Registration  
 This Workshop is limited to a maximum of 40 people ! Total Amount $ 
Darren Jew
Select Credit Card :     MASTERCARD        VISA
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Card Holder's Name : 
Expiry Date MM :    YY :        3 Digit CCV :
Amount $ 
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Online Form written by Stephen Jones   0418 742 530
Tony Hewitt
Tony Hewitt
Tony Hewitt